It occurs to me that I have neglected the one thing that I found most comforting: writing. Beyond making videos or taking pictures or even being most sociable online, I defined myself foremost as a writer. True I have yet to be published or had anything created that I wrote, but I believe in being that which you aim to be, and that for me has always been a writer. Before I die I want to write a book and have it be published, same with a comic book. Sure I have loads of notebooks filled with ideas, story beats, and heavily sketched out characters but almost always life gets in the way and I lose interest. The only consistent thing being my journal entries. For a long time - years even - I was consistent with near daily entries. I contribute that to two factors: one, I was out of work and really had the time, and two, I didn't have much friends to converse with both online and in the real world. Now that those things have changed and with the Internet, cell phones, and social media, all of my once concentrated ideas and thought are dispersed among the digital masses. I'm going to change that. I'm going to start documenting my life again, hopefully in a daily or near daily basis. I aim to write about whatever's on my mind, if not a gentle recap of the days events, perhaps some ideas on a single subject like regret. It's been a while since I flexed my writing muscles and I know it's going to be ugly at first but I hope to get back into shape soon.
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